By default we all as individuals are programmed to stay in our comfort zone. However, the world that we live in is now orchestrated to attain to those that can only come out from their sense of comfortability. Naturally speaking, most of the leaders or in fact the entire learder that we have today were once at a time shy. But then they saw the immense demands of being confidential and controversial and also the impact it will make in their life and others, they, however, signed out from their comfort zone because it doesn't worth anything.
Now going down the drill, on the contrary, shyness for most people indicate different things. According to recent studies, some shy behavior can be linked to genetics, inferiority complex, some signs of great hidden potential, others fear of being harassed or disgraced, etc.
You can choose to remain in your sense of comfortability. But, however, the repercussions of being shy - consistently all the time can't be unravelled, as it has made many miss diverse opportunities that could have made them enjoy the reality of life and what it has in store for them.
Before I unveil the strategies of ending your shyness, I want this simple truth to be at the paradigm of your mind if you're still comfortable being shy. The effects of a prolonged shyness, if not carefully watched and scrutinized, can make someone live a life of self-analysis of and self-hatred.
Follow these simple strategies and wave goodbye to shyness.
Strategy #1
Look at those extoverts out there, do they literally care or give a damn about what people say about them? No!
Check out the leaders we have for instance. Had it been the leaders that we have today had never looked down on so many things, they wouldn't have been where they are today.
The truth is, as a shy person, if you can only cultivate the habit of looking down on most things then I guarantee you that your shy behavior would be ambushed at all cost. The key thing to take note of is whenever you're trying to do something that will involve the interference of people just do it without minding what they'll say. Always look down on people that are looking up on you just like the way you look down on your food before eating it.
Strategy #2
Honestly sincerely, everyone has vast opportunities, including the shy ones, but the difference between them is the approach. The big reason why shy people are locked up in their shyness is because of the fear they have in most things. That's why they never tried to expose themselves toward things that make them feel discomfort.
Most shy persons aren't aware that most of the things they're afraid of doing - like talking to the opposite sex, organizing seminars or even talking to strangers or speaking up for their rights are things that can forever change their life for better.
Exposing yourself to things you hate most as a shy person strengthens and gives you full, not just on that particular area you've exposed yourself to but to other areas you're afraid of. A injury one is the injury of all.
Strategy #3
Enough with self-evaluation!
The more you think about yourself and the actions you take, the more your fears cloud your confidence and boldness. Constantly thinking about yourself or what others say about your shy behavior ruin your mindset. And anything that accidentally ruins your mind ruins everything about you. If you haven't known this before: your thoughts interpret to others who you are, and what you're capable of doing. That's why most times you can easily distinguish a shy person from an easy-ongoing person because of the expressions of their thoughts when it comes to reality.
So be conscious of the thoughts you have towards yourself as a shy person, because it capable of caging you in the bondage of fear and self-anxiety. Ensure putting in your best in order to sign out from every unnecessary thoughts. it affects your belief system.
Strategy #4
Your friends say a lot about you. They are your key influence in life. Primarily, most of your influencers are your friends because most of the actions you take in life can be traced through them. However, having friends who are extroverts as a shy person, can drastically speed up your assertive behavior, as it will enforce your boldness to re-awaken again.
As a shy or introverted person, make sure you walk with extroverts on a daily basis so that you can easily and quickly imbibe on their social behavior.
Strategy #5
Contributing your idea, as a person, in a subject matter, plays a crucial role in enforcing your confidence into action. Start by contributing little idea or what you know or understand best to a group of people before proceeding to a large number people. You can also start by organizing tutorial for students, answering questions in seminars, e.t.c Doing this will re-awaken your confidence level, though you might feel scared at the initial phase, but just give it a try even if you haven't tried it before, and you'll be amazed to see how your confidence level and your boldness towards certain things will increase.
Strategy #6
Why this is the most simplest to do in the list,it is also powerful at the same time. By and large any close-ended greetings like 'Hi', 'Hello', 'What's up' e.t.c doesn't really require greater attention or focus because it is done subconsciously, and it occurs naturally. Why this is so the same can be applied in asking strangers what the time is. Start by asking any 20 strangers that you see around for the time(but if I were you I would ask above 20).
What this does is that it makes you gain experience in relating to people, makes you know how to maintain eye contact with the stranger that you asked, and again it increases your confidence by making you still ask for time again.
Strategy #7
Don't over-think that people are thinking about your errors in their mind. This is one of the overwhelming reasons for many shy attitudes. Just be yourself. Never seek for anyone's approval. Don't think too much about what others think or say about you.
Strategy #8
Your environment has a greater impact to play in your social well-being. If you examine properly, you definitely discover that the awkward reason why many people remain shy can be traced from their surroundings. So if you don't have anybody apart from your parents or siblings to interact with then chances are you are inviting shyness indirectly. So is very mandatory to stay in an environment that is sociable, so as to imbibe to social behavior. Environments like universities, colleges, Churches, Market places e.t.c are encouraging for your social well-being.
Instead of spending the whole hour chatting on social media, why not replace it with face-to-face communication? It helps a lot, more especially for shy and introverted people.
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